Design Brief for an All Over Sublimation Design

If you need us to do design work for an all over sublimation design, please use the following information so we can can get a clear idea of the design required.

1. What Garment Styles?

2. Create the Design

Print off our A4 style templates (above). Use the templates to draw on the design elements you require.

Write on the template the words you want, and, where you want them positioned. Draw on design elements and describe them. Use arrows and write around the edges of the template and describe all the design elements.

Please supply as much detail as possible, to avoid extra revision rounds. Any additional elements and changes to the design may incur additional fees.

Take a photo of this with your phone and send it along with the design elements. (listed below)

3. Supply the Elements

Send us all of the digital design elements. Here are some examples.

  • all logos
  • images needed
  • font names (if required)
  • colours you need to use
  • examples of patterns you like
  • layout examples

For elements that are required on the shirt, please supply the best copy you can. Vector artwork is the best and will result in the best print. Image file should be as large as possible. It will not be possible to use images that are small is size and are required to cover the back of a shirt.

4. Revision Limitation

Our design packages have a maximum of 3 design revisions.

We understand that dealing with committees, and club members can be difficult, but, please come to a consensus of design requirements, during this stage. Additional charges may apply, if additional design instructions are given once the process has started.

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